20 Natural hairstyle and how to take care of your hair

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Most people love their natural hair yet they can’t do without the artificial hair. You will certainly agree with me that there is something so fascinating about being natural. Though we are all created with certain unique attributes, it is amazing how beautiful and handsome we can look with just a touch of our natural hair.
No more spending a lot of money on the artificial hairstyles, nature has already bestowed upon us what we need. It doesn’t even matter if your natural hair is short. There are natural hairstyles for short hair including fauxhawks and mohawks. Meanwhile, puff style (which can substitute for the regular bun), protective updo’s, finger coils and twists (perfect for those with extra full hair) will have you looking elegant and proud.
To effectively rock your natural hair, extra care and attention are required. You can’t afford to neglect it like you do with the artificial ones. Moisture is very important with the natural hair. Be sure to have good natural conditioners. There are many DIY videos out there on how to make yours. Common ingredients required to make a good conditioner include virgin olive oil, banana, coconut oil, lavender oil, plain Greek Yoghurt, honey, and egg white. Having a well-moisturised hair would keep it from breakage – a nightmare every lady aims to avoid.
In this photo gallery, We’ll give you examples of great hairstyles for round faces, long faces, diamond faces, heart faces including shorter styles and cuts for all hair textures. Here we bring to you 20 names of beautiful Natural Hairstyles.

1. Milk Maid Braid
This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to style your natural hair to look beautiful.
2. The Hypnotic Roll
3. French Braid Fringe
 4. Cute Curly
5. Curly Braided
6. Braid and Tuck
7. High Top Fade
8. Single Flat Twist
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9. Chunky Flat Twists
10. Big High Bun
 11. Twisted Bangs
12. Sleek Bun
13. Frizz-Free
 14. Twisted Goddess
15. Red Carpet Ready
16. Curly Curling Custard
17. More Curly Curling
18. Bantu knot
19. 3 twist and a bun
20. Roll,tuck and pin (with twist)
Common Mistakes Naturals Make
While you try some of these hairdos, here are some common mistakes everyone on natural hair should avoid.

1. Hair texture: Going natural is like having to take care of a newborn baby and no matter how much literature you read, you still need to patiently take care of it in its own unique way. Treatments given to a tough or coarse hair may not necessarily be good for the soft hair types and vice-versa. The best thing to do is to know your hair texture and the treatment best for it.
2. Flat ironing my hair on high heat: Both the natural and the artificial hair is prone to damage if constantly placed under high heats. Doing this will definitely rip your hair off the nutrients – particularly, the hair proteins that will help it grow. Instead, go for the easy and loose hairstyles listed above. They will help straighten your hair.
3. Finding the right routine: There are so many factors that go into taming – a natural mane–humidity, a cloudless sky or a light drizzle, products used, the amount of water in your hair, air drying vs. blow drying. As the body constantly changes, so is your hair. The key to keeping your sanity is taking each day as it comes, embracing your good days and shrugging off the bad ones.
4. Using too much or not enough product: Some people with natural hair think that excessive use of a hair product will help their hair grow faster while others just go below that quantity of the product recommended for their hair, perhaps for the sake of not going to buy another one soon. Using too much product will leave your hair feeling heavy and greasy, while not using enough product can leave your hair under moisturized.
5. Treating your natural hair like the relaxed hair: Some go ahead to use the same hair products and routine they use for their relaxed hair on their natural hair. This will definitely not give you the result you need. Using the same tools, similar products and techniques only led to breakage and stunted growth. For example, if you are used to washing your hair un-sectioned when it was relaxed, your washing regimen should change once you go natural. Sectioning your natural hair before washing saves it from detangling.

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