this is for scorpion fans 


Most people like Sub-Zero because of the fact that he controls ice, but if you think about it, scorpion is alot better.

1. The most important reason is the fact that Sub-Zero's freeze move freezes the opponent in place, therefore making you walk to them to hit them, but scopions spear brings the opponent right to you.

2. All of scorpions special moves are better. Sub-Zero's specail moves require the opponent to either be hit by the move, or walk into it (The ice ball, ice clone, and ice floor) while scorpions moves has only one of those aspects (Be hit by the move) while his other moves can be performed far away from the opponent and still hit them easily, his "Hellfire" move comes out of the ground and can be perfromed at any distance from the opponent to hit them. Youn would be more suspectible to be hit by fire randomly coming out of the ground than an ice clone or ice floor created 10 feet in front of you.

3. All of scorpions combos are better. I haven't played Mortal Kombat:Deception in about three years now, but I played armaggedon yesterday and all of scorpions combos were better, his best combo has two hits from the fists, and a kick that sends the opponent into the air. From there you can jump into the air and press circle to throw them.

Yes, even though it seems that both of these characters are equal, they are not on the same level, as Scorpion is stronger than Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero has the awesome power of controlling ice, while Scorpion has power over fire. But, there's more to Scorpion than fire. In his Inferno variation, Scorpion can summon his minion to aid him, so the Shirai Ryu ninja has summoning powers like Quan Chi. Speaking of powers, Scorpion can teleport at will, as the hellspawn ninja has the ability to travel to the Netherrealm freely. And speaking of the Netherrealm, Scorpion cannot die. If he does get killed, he’ll go back to the Netherrealm the realm of his rebirth. In fact, Scorpion gets stronger in the Netherrealm. In Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Quan Chi's magic is nullified while Scorpion becomes stronger. Scorpion wins. Flawless Victory.

this is for sub-zero fans
give us your point or we win

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